//$Header: /home/cvs/www.dcbcard.com/public_html/scripts/menu_data.js,v 1.23 2008/04/08 11:49:24 matthew Exp $ //QuickMenu Pro, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2003, OpenCube Inc. - http://www.opencube.com var popupWindows = new Array(5); popupWindows[0] = 0; function openCenteredWindow(p, pi, u, width, height) { //var width = 800; //var height = 610; var left = parseInt((screen.availWidth/2) - (width/2)); var top = parseInt((screen.availHeight/2) - (height/2)); var windowFeatures = "menubar,status,resizable,location,toolbar,scrollbars," + "width=" + width + "," + "height=" + height + "," + "left=" + left + "," + "top=" + top + "," + "screenX=" + left + "," + "screenY=" + top ; if(!p[pi] || p[pi].closed) { p[pi] = window.open(u, "DCIWindow", windowFeatures); } else { p[pi].location.href = u; //p[pi].location.reload(1); p[pi].focus(); } } //dqm__codebase = "scripts/" // set in header.tpl where_brand = 'directfuelsuk'; //UNLOCK CODES limit_multiple_users = true sequence = "9x88_4" //Relative positioned icon images (flow with main menu or sub item text) dqm__icon_image0 = "images/spacer.gif" dqm__icon_rollover0 = "media/images.gif" dqm__icon_image_wh0 = "1,1" //Absolute positioned icon images (coordinate positioned, sub menus only) dqm__2nd_icon_image0 = "images/arrow.gif" dqm__2nd_icon_rollover0 = "images/arrow.gif" dqm__2nd_icon_image_wh0 = "13,10" dqm__2nd_icon_image_xy0 = "0,4" //Main Menu Settings //Main Item Widths and Heights dqm__main_width = 134//default main item widths dqm__main_height = 10//default main item heights //Main Menu Margins and Text Alignment dqm__main_text_alignment = "center"//set to: 'left', 'center' or 'right' dqm__main_margin_top = 0 dqm__main_margin_bottom = 0 dqm__main_margin_left =0 dqm__main_margin_right = 0 intm_margin = dqm__main_margin_left + dqm__main_margin_right; intm_colon = 12; dqm__main_width0 = main_0_width; dqm__main_width1 = intm_colon dqm__main_width2 = main_1_width; dqm__main_width3 = intm_colon dqm__main_width4 = main_2_width; dqm__main_width5 = intm_colon dqm__main_width6 = main_3_width; dqm__main_width7 = intm_colon dqm__main_width8 = main_4_width; dqm__main_width9 = intm_colon dqm__main_width10 = main_5_width; dqm__main_width11 = intm_colon dqm__main_width12 = main_6_width; dqm__main_width13 = intm_colon dqm__main_width14 = main_7_width; dqm__main_width15 = intm_colon dqm__main_width16 = main_8_width; //Main Menu Borders Dividers and Layout dqm__main_horizontal =true//align menu bar horizontally or vertically dqm__main_border_width = 0;//the thickness of the border in pixels dqm__main_border_color = "#000"//HEX color or set width to 0 for no borders dqm__main_use_dividers = true//When true the item gap setting is ignored //and the border width and color are used to //separate each main menu item. dqm__main_item_gap = 0//the gap between main menu items in pixels dqm__align_items_bottom_and_right = true //Menu Item Background and Text Colors dqm__main_bgcolor = "#FE4C0E"//default color for all items, HEX or 'transparent' dqm__main_bgcolorX = "#66cc33"//specific menu item color, HEX or 'transparent' dqm__main_hl_bgcolor = "#FE4C0E"//HEX color value or set to 'transparent' dqm__main_hl_bgcolorX = "#ff0000" dqm__main_textcolor = "#fff" dqm__main_textcolorX = "#FFD600" dqm__main_hl_textcolor = "#fff" dqm__main_hl_textcolorX = "#FFD600" //Menu Item Font Settings dqm__main_fontfamily = "Verdana"//Any available system font dqm__main_fontsize = 10//Defined with pixel sizing dqm__main_textdecoration = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'underline' dqm__main_fontweight = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'bold' dqm__main_fontstyle = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'italic' //rollover effect dqm__main_hl_textdecoration = "none" //specific settings dqm__main_text_alignmentX = "right"//set to: 'left', 'center' or 'right' dqm__main_margin_topX = 1 dqm__main_margin_bottomX = 1 //Main Menu Items (Text, URL's, and Icons) //Main Menu 0 dqm__maindesc0 = main_0; dqm__micon_index0 = 0 dqm__url0 = "/about"; //Main Menu 1 dqm__maindesc1 = ":" dqm__micon_index1 = 0 dqm__url1 = " "; //Main Menu 2 dqm__maindesc2 = main_1; dqm__micon_index2 = 0 //dqm__url2 = "http://www.erouteonline.com/dcb/" dqm__url2 = "javascript: openCenteredWindow(popupWindows, 0 , 'http://www.erouteonline.com/dcb/','','')"; //Main Menu 3 dqm__maindesc3 = ":" dqm__micon_index3 = 0 dqm__url3 = " "; //Main Menu 4 dqm__maindesc4 = main_2; dqm__micon_index4 = 0 dqm__url4 = "/applynow"; //Main Menu 5 dqm__maindesc5 = ":" dqm__micon_index5 = 0 dqm__url5 = " "; //Main Menu 6 dqm__maindesc6 = main_3; dqm__micon_index6 = 0 //dqm__url6= "javascript:alert(\"not working yet\")" dqm__url6= "javascript: openCenteredWindow(popupWindows, 0 , '"+where_emailinvoice+"/?ebill_who=dcbcard&language="+language+"','640','445')"; //Main Menu 7 dqm__maindesc7= ":" dqm__micon_index7 = 0 dqm__url7 = " "; //Main Menu 8 dqm__maindesc8 = main_4; dqm__micon_index8 = 0 //dqm__url8 = "javascript:alert(\"not working yet\")" dqm__url8= "javascript: openCenteredWindow(popupWindows, 0 , '"+where_webfuels+"/?webfuels_who=dcbcard&language="+language+"','775','575')"; //Main Menu 9 dqm__maindesc9 = ":" dqm__micon_index9 = 0 dqm__url9 = " "; //Main Menu 10 dqm__maindesc10 = main_5; dqm__micon_index10 = 0 dqm__url10 = "/distributorservices"; //Main Menu 11 dqm__maindesc11 = ":" dqm__micon_index11 = 0 dqm__url11 = " "; //Main Menu 12 dqm__maindesc12 = main_6; dqm__micon_index12 = 0 dqm__url12= "/cardservices"; //Main Menu 13 dqm__maindesc13 = ":" dqm__micon_index13 = 0 dqm__url13= " "; //Main Menu 14 dqm__maindesc14 = main_7; dqm__micon_index14 = 0 dqm__url14= "/contact"; //Main Menu 15 dqm__maindesc15= ":" dqm__micon_index15 = 0 dqm__url15 = " "; //Main Menu 16 dqm__maindesc16 = main_8; dqm__micon_index16 = 0 dqm__url16= "/main"; //Sub Menu Settings //Colors, Borders, Dividers, and more... dqm__sub_menu_width = 120//default sub menu widths dqm__sub_xy = "0,0"//default sub x,y coordinates - defined relative //to the top-left corner of parent image or sub menu dqm__urltarget = "_self"//default URL target: _self, _parent, _new, or "my frame name" dqm__border_width = 1 dqm__divider_height = 1 dqm__border_color = "#FE4C0E"//Hex color or 'transparent' - #66cc33 dqm__menu_bgcolor = "#fff" //Hex color or 'transparent' - #d7f1d7 dqm__hl_bgcolor = "#FFD600" dqm__mouse_off_delay = 150//defined in milliseconds (activated after mouse stops) dqm__nn4_mouse_off_delay = 500//defined in milliseconds (activated after leaving sub) //Font settings and margins dqm__textcolor = "#FE4C0E" dqm__fontfamily = "Verdana"//Any available system font dqm__fontsize = 10//Defined with pixel sizing dqm__fontsize_ie4 = 9//Defined with point sizing dqm__textdecoration = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'underline' dqm__fontweight = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'bold' dqm__fontstyle = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'italic' //Rollover font settings dqm__hl_textcolor = "#FE4C0E" dqm__hl_textdecoration = "normal"//set to: 'normal', or 'underline' //Margins and text alignment dqm__text_alignment = "left"//set to: 'left', 'center' or 'right' dqm__margin_top = 2 dqm__margin_bottom = 2 dqm__margin_left = 2 dqm__margin_right = 2 //Optional Status Bar Text dqm__show_urls_statusbar = false //Internet Explorer Transition Effects dqm__sub_menu_effect = "none" dqm__sub_item_effect = "none" //Define the effect duration in seconds below. dqm__sub_menu_effect_duration = .4 dqm__sub_item_effect_duration = .4 //Specific settings for various transitions. dqm__effect_pixelate_maxsqare = 25 dqm__effect_iris_irisstyle = "CIRCLE"//CROSS, CIRCLE, PLUS, SQUARE, or STAR dqm__effect_checkerboard_squaresx = 14 dqm__effect_checkerboard_squaresY = 14 dqm__effect_checkerboard_direction = "RIGHT"//UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT //Opacity and drop shadows. dqm__sub_menu_opacity = 100//1 to 100 dqm__dropshadow_color = "#666666"//Hex color value or 'none' //dqm__dropshadow_color = "blue" dqm__dropshadow_offx = 2//drop shadow width dqm__dropshadow_offy = 2//drop shadow height //Browser Bug fixes and Workarounds //Mac offset fixes, adjust until sub menus position correctly. dqm__os9_ie5mac_offset_x = 0 dqm__os9_ie5mac_offset_Y = 0 dqm__osx_ie5mac_offset_x = 0 dqm__osx_ie5mac_offset_Y = 0 dqm__ie4mac_offset_x = 0 dqm__ie4mac_offset_Y = 0 //Mac offset fixes, adjust until main menu items line up correctly dqm__mainitems_os9_ie5mac_offset_x = 0 dqm__mainitems_os9_ie5mac_offset_y = 0 dqm__mainitems_osx_ie5mac_offset_x = 0 dqm__mainitems_osx_ie5mac_offset_y = 0 //Netscape 4 resize bug workaround. dqm__nn4_reaload_after_resize = true dqm__nn4_resize_prompt_user = false dqm__nn4_resize_prompt_message = "To reinitialize the navigation menu please click the 'Reload' button." //Set to true if the menu is the only item on the HTML page. dqm__use_opera_div_detect_fix = true //Pre-defined sub menu item heights for the Espial Escape browser. dqm__escape_item_height = 20 dqm__escape_item_height0_0 = 70 dqm__escape_item_height0_1 = 70 //Exposed menu events //Reference additional onload statements here. //The 'X' indicates the index number of the sub menu group or item. dqm__showmenu_codeX = "status = 'custom show menu function call - menu0'" dqm__hidemenu_codeX = "status = 'custom hide menu function call - menu0'" dqm__clickitem_codeX_X = "alert('custom Function - Menu Item 0_0')" //Specific Sub Menu Settings dqm__border_widthX = 10; dqm__divider_heightX = 0; dqm__border_colorX = "#0000ff"; dqm__menu_bgcolorX = "#ff0000" dqm__hl_bgcolorX = "#00ff00" dqm__hl_textcolorx= "#ff0000" dqm__text_alignmentX = "left" dqm__hl_subdescX = "my custom text" dqm__urltargetX = "_new" //Specific Sub Menu Settings //Sub Menu About our products //dqm__sub_xy0 = main_0_xy; //dqm__sub_menu_width0 = main_0_sub0_width; //dqm__subdesc0_0 = main_0_sub0; //dqm__url0_0 = "/smartcards" //submenu site network dqm__sub_xy2 = main_2_xy; dqm__sub_menu_width2 = main_2_sub0_width; //dqm__subdesc2_0 = main_2_sub0; //dqm__subdesc2_1 = main_2_sub1; //dqm__url2_0 = "javascript: openCenteredWindow(popupWindows, 0 , '/map.html','','')"; //dqm__url2_1 = "javascript: openCenteredWindow(popupWindows, 0 , '/map2.html','','')"; //Sub Menu 4 How to apply dqm__sub_xy4 = main_4_xy; dqm__sub_menu_width4 = main_4_sub0_width; dqm__subdesc4_0 = main_4_sub0; dqm__subdesc4_1 = main_4_sub1; dqm__url4_0 = "/howtoapply"; dqm__url4_1 = "/application"; //Sub Menu Distributor Services dqm__sub_xy10 = main_5_xy; dqm__sub_menu_width10 = main_5_sub0_width; dqm__subdesc10_0 = main_5_sub0; dqm__subdesc10_1 = main_5_sub1; dqm__subdesc10_2 = main_5_sub2; dqm__subdesc10_3 = main_5_sub3; dqm__url10_0 = "https://www.manageyourfuelcards.com/card-services/stopterms.php" dqm__url10_1 = "/distributor-services.order" dqm__url10_2 = "https://www.manageyourfuelcards.com/card-services/release.php" dqm__url10_3 = "/card-stopping" //Sub Menu Distributor Services dqm__sub_xy12 = main_6_xy; dqm__sub_menu_width12 = main_6_sub0_width; dqm__subdesc12_0 = main_5_sub0; dqm__subdesc12_1 = main_5_sub3; dqm__url12_0 = "https://www.manageyourfuelcards.com/card-services/stopterms.php" dqm__url12_1 = "/card-stopping"